Fire Proof


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's been a while and 50 lbs!

So I think the last time I posted ... well, I know the last time I posted was in March. S-L-A-C-K-E-R! Well, life has been great. Lots of things going on in my life; where to begin? Well, Weight Watchers has been going AWESOME! I started January 2nd am still going strong today! I've lost 50 pounds (1.8 lbs shy of 50), but 50 pounds sounds really GREAT to me! I'm pretty close to having to go get new clothes. Old clothes fit now and I'm going to have to get a some suit coats tailored. Something I'm very proud of.

So the other aspect of my life that is going great is my goal of the ministry. My pastor has allowed me to now start my preaching requirements. 26 Preaching messages in 6 months and read several books and finish reading the Bible through. I've had the opportunity to preach in Rutland, Chelsea, Barre, Burlington and my home church in Jericho. God has been so great giving me direction for each message! Lessons have included "The Awesomeness of God," "I am worth it," "The power of a personal God," "Hope ~ Don't let the fire die," and "Medal of Honor." I have time scheduled to preach in Laconia, NH at Faith Pointe UPC too. God is such an AWESOME God! This is a really exciting time in my life and my spiritual growth. I am appreciating every day that God has given my to be in His will.

Well, thats all for now and I promise not to be so long in between posts. Have a GREAT day! "Z"

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Someone's looking FABULOUS!!!!!