Fire Proof


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Changing Places

Well, it's been SEVERAL months since I've written. "SORRY!" My lovely wife told me I should just concentrate on one site rather than try and maintain this one too. I'll try and be faithful to both but we'll see. As for the title of this entry, I've changed jobs. Same career path but now focused and all together. As many of you know I have been involved in Emergency Services for many years. Starting in high school I began taking courses in pre-hospital emergency care. I became a volunteer junior member of my local fire department (Essex Fire Department). I have been a volunteer there for several years now. For the past 7 plus years I enjoyed working for the Town of Colchester on Colchester Rescue. What an outstanding group of people! This past year I began to get in shape, lose weight and challenge myself to test for the Burlington Fire Department. In June I took the entrance exam ... and passed. The next step was the physical agility test ... which I took and passed (3 min. 27 seconds)!!! Then the oral boards. In the beginning of October I was notified that I had been offered a position and on October 20th I began my new career position as a Firefighter / EMT with the Burlington Fire Department. I spent the first 8 weeks in "Recruit Academy." As of yesterday (12/17/08) I began my first shift at Station 2 assigned to Engine 2. I will spend the next 5 months there training and learning. After those are finished I will move on to Station 1 (Central) on Engine 1 for the final months of my probation. It will be a very busy year learning, training, practicing skills, and developing my ability as a firefighter. What a great experience this has been so far. At 37 years old making this move was a hard decision but one I have ALWAYS desired.

I truly feel that God was involved with this process. I applied for another department in the past and did not finish the testing process. I applied for that department again and made steps all the way up to testing and still was not able to go there. With this position everything went very smoothly! I prayed "God if it is Your will that I get hired then let doors be opened or doors be shut." Well, every door opened. Now as I begin my new journey with BFD my goal is to work as unto the Lord. Letting Christ’s light shine through me and being available to help in any way I can. As the quote on my signature line of my email reads: "What would you try if you knew you would not fail?" I have tried and have not failed!!! Now as I continue on I will bless God with my life and live as a Christian and try and reflect God's plan through me. Available to listen, counsel, pray and encourage others as Christ taught us how to.

The next step in my journey is meeting with the District Board on January 19th for my local ministers license. I have been reading, studying, preaching and teaching over the last several months. Being obedient to God's plan for my life is my desire. To let that also reflect on my family and friends as well. I have an AWESOME wife who has been extremely supportive in every effort of both of these processes. My boys ... are just AWESOME as well. I cherish our families walk with God!!! My wife’s devotion and my boys growing faith is so encouraging. God has TRULEY blessed me 360 degrees.

As I finish this post, I want to encourage you to wish people a very Merry Christmas. That is what this season is about. We celebrate the birth of Christ ... but that is not the end of the story! Christmas is all about Salvation. Christ was born so that WE (you and I) may live forever with Him in eternity in Heaven. The ONLY way that that was going to happen was the miraculous story of His birth. My favorite quote this time of year is what the angle told Mary when she found out she and her aunt were pregnant. The miracle of a virgin birth and the miracle of a women who was barren for so long becoming pregnant in her elder years. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." LUKE 1:37

Well, I'll probably write again in a few months ... hopefully sooner! God Bless and Merry Christmas!